【同义词辨析】 2019-04-30 不定inconstant-unstable

inconstant: implies an incapacity for steadiness and an inherent tendency to change: the supply of the material was too ~ to rely on.       (steady稳定: 指规律无波动无间断implies regularity without fluctuation or interruption,如ran the race at a steady pace比赛中以稳定的速度跑步, 如slow and steady wins the race虽然慢但不停歇(稳定)的人赢得比赛,是龟兔赛跑的寓意。stable也是稳定,表示牢固平稳不容易翻倒移除deep-rooted or balanced or established, and therefore resistant to be overthrown or displaced,如stable ladder/work/government/relationship/condition稳定的梯子/工作/政府/关系/病情(即不再恶化)。 两个稳定容易混,steady偏指动作stable偏指情况状态,例如英语中既有steady person的用法也有stable person的用法,需要根据上下文判断是动作步伐稳定还是情况状态稳定)  (tendency倾向于,等于中文中的容易,但英文中不说easy容易而是用tendincline倾向于,两个词互相解释,本句也可以说...inclination to change)

fickle: suggest unreliability because of perverse changeability and incapacity for steadfastness: performers discover how ~ the public can be.   perverse(不讲道理的)执拗固执     (steadfast坚定的:指坚持某一"道路"如爱情效忠支持信念love, allegiance, support, conviction,如Romeo and Juliet were steadfast in their love罗密欧与朱丽叶的爱情忠贞不渝

capricious: suggests motivation by sudden whim or fancy and stresses unpredictability : an utterly ~ manner of selecting candidates.   whim一时兴致突发奇想a sudden wish,如an old antique bought on a whim心血来潮买下了古董)   (fancy幻想满足愿望imagination spurred by desires,如fancied herself a super star幻想成为超级明星)

mercurial: implies a rapid changeability in mood, especially between depression and elation: so ~ in temperament that no one knew what to expect.   (depression不是一般的压抑而是抑郁,不仅压抑而且难以恢复,如depressed to the point of suicide抑郁到自杀)  (elation兴高采烈great happiness and excitement,如his supporters have reacted to the news with elation他的支持者听到那条消息后兴高采烈

unstable: implies an incapacity for remaining in a fixed position or on a steady course, when applied to persons, suggests a lack of emotional balance: in love she was impulsive and ~.

inconstant不稳定: 指不稳定易变化,fickle多变: 表现反常多变不可靠,capricious任性随意: 表示突然改变想法愿望,难以预测,mercurial情绪多变: 表示情绪变化很快,特别是从抑郁到欢喜,unstable不稳定: 指位置状态等不稳定,形容人时可以表示精神不稳定。

记忆方法: 1)首字母IFCMU排列成FroM ICU来自ICU<==情况定     (the patient's condition is unstable

        2)不定的意思是目的或投入等不坚固不稳定mean lacking firmness or steadiness in such things as purpose or devotion.